About Me

Down-to-earth data analyst with a background in user experience, web, and marketing analytics in the software, marketing, and advertising industries. Experience includes identifying business requirements or opportunities, insight mining, visualisation, model development, minor devops, and presenting actionable insights to decision-makers in an agile environment.


  • Planning and implementing simple design experiment and AB testing.
  • Data analysis, plus dashboard storytelling and reporting.
  • Develop or optimise predictive and clustering model (from processing to deployment).
  • Develop conversational model with Rasa / ParlAi / Transformers.
  • Develop scrapers with Selenium.
  • Develop data pipeline for ETL with Prefect / Luigi.
  • Manage small project with Jira, Notion, or Trello.

Familiar Tools

  • Analytics – Python, R, SQL, Spark, Dask, MS Excel.
  • Dashboard – Streamlit, Tableau, Bokeh.
  • Interface – Fastapi, Django.
  • ML, DL – Sklearn, Pycaret, Pytorch, Transformers.
  • Devops – AWS, Git, Circle CI, Docker.
  • Database – PostgreSQL, Neo4J.
  • Marketing – Google Analytic & Ads, Ubersuggest, Hootsuite, LuckyOrange, Youtube Analytics.
  • Project management – Jira, Notion, Trello