ETF & Equity Market Trades Dashboard
1 Project Charter.
Project goal:
Inspect the seasonal trends for the main ETFs and equities for weekdays, trading days, holidays, Triple Witching Week, and others. And to follow up with the current economic status.
Project scope:
From building data pipeline, to processing, to data visualisation and modelling. Refer to the diagram from 4.0 Project Architecture.
2 Dashboard app.
Link to view the dashboard. The dashboard can only be displayed on desktop currently. It might take around 10 seconds or less to load since the server is free of charge.
3 About the dataset.
- Since there are too many data to upload to the free server, I only sample a few ETFs and equities for the online dashboard for demo.
- The latest update for the ticker data is March 2021.
- The latest update for the economic data is March 2020.
4 Project Architecture.
5 Repository Link.
This project encompasses 3 parts currently:
- Luigi pipeline.
- Streamlit dashboard.
- ML modelling.